RHK Magazine Issue #266 NOV 2023 | Page 2

01 R H K M A G A Z I N E / I S S U E 2 6 6 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 3



red-hot kittens ...

the sexiest models

in the world



Dave Abreu

Dennis Keim


Published by RHK Productions

Virginia Beach, VA



One of my goals for 2022 was to broaden the network of talented professionals we work with, while still delivering a quality and consistent product to our readers. And I can proudly say we successfully accomplished that goal! What a year!

RHK Magazine was blessed to be able to publish 23 consecutive issues in 2022, bringing our total publication count to 259! One of the highlights of our publications last year were special edition issues which were devoted entirely to a specific model or photographer, a perfect way to highlight their individual work!

We also made it our goal to expand our content to include in-depth interviews, which allows our readers to get a more detailed look into each model’s life. Our readers can expect to see more of the hottest content and photos available … as we continue our dedication to retain current readers, while also seeking to attract new audiences!

Our 2023 publication schedule kicks off in June with first-time cover model Lacie Chiffon, with all-new topless photos by Vino Darius Calloway. Vino is one of our longtime VIP Photographers, and his latest photos are some of his hottest yet!

While there was a brief pause in publication between December and May, we can gladly say the break allowed us to focus on expansion and renovation of our corporate headquarters in Virginia (USA). Exciting times!

I try to say this often, because I am so sincere when I say it ... I am so grateful for the opportunity to do what I love every day, as I continue to build the RHK brand! I am grateful for each and every model, photographer, and business professional I've had the pleasure to work it! I am grateful for each and every reader and subscriber!

Alexander Deal


